Letters from NYC


9/14/01:  News from NYC

9/15/01:  More news and thoughts

9/15/01:  Diary (2nd letter this day)

9/16/01:  Sunday Reflections

9/17/01:  The Politics of Fairness

9/30/01:  Day 8-18:  A calmer response

10/03/01:  Pride in America

10/13/01:  We’re at War

10/20/01:  The Greater Battle

10/23/01:  Living in the New Global Community

11/01/01:  Americentricity and Despair

      Vortex Taijiquan

Marc Sabin:   Contact

11/01/01:  Why we’re at war (2nd letter this day)

11/10/01:  The unraveling news

11/18/01:  “We’re winning the war”

11/20/01:  When the innocent die





Letters from an ex-Marine  This is a composite of 2 letters received from another martial arts master, a former member of the U.S. military with whom I’ve corresponded about this website.  11/12/01