Letters from NYC


Newspaper articles and opinion pieces


Here is a selection of articles reflecting current political consciousness:


The War on Terrorism

Fwd: Intelligence Report  from Stratfor: The Global Intelligence Company

Fwd: International Gallup Poll Results  undated - before 10/29/01

U.S. is really alone in this war  by Thomas Friedman, SF Chronicle 10/29/01

Jon Carroll column –SF Chronicle 10/30/01

Bioterrorism in your burger  by Brian Halweil - Worldwatch article taken from L.A. Times 11/02/01  more bioterrorism

Beware of icebergs by Thomas Friedman, NY Times 11/09/01.  What we see is only the tip of the iceberg …

The Selling of America  by Jef Loeb  “How we can win the hearts and minds of the world” SF Chronicle 11/11/01

I do not recognize myself this Ramadan  by Feisal Abdul Rauf, SF Chronicle 11/11/01


Civil Liberties

If you value your freedoms  by Mark Morford, SF Chronicle 10/19/01.  Warning – these opinions could be dangerous!

The domestic front  On the home front, a winnable war.  NY Times 11/06/01

Nicaragua  We still know how to steal an election in the name of democracy.  The Guardian  11/07/01

Deadly Tweezers  by Mark Morford.  Assault on civil liberties.  More articles to read from Mark Morford here

Why are we hiding Bin Laden? Robert Giles, NY Times 11/11/01. Censorship cuts USA from what rest of world sees.

Idea Wars Amy Harmon, NY Times 11/11/01  “Intellectual capitalism” pits rights copyrights against development

Words, bullets and bombs  by actor Peter Coyote.  Why is peaceful protest targetted but hate crimes protected?

INS given more power to detain people Judges?  Appeals panels?  What rights?  Only the Attorney General’s say so.


Follow The Money – Investigative journalists probe behind the scenes

Hidden agenda behind war on terror  by John Pilger, Former Mirror chief foreign correspondent

Bushies dole it out to special folks by Paul Krugman, N.Y. Times,  printed in the SF Chronicle 11/01/01

It’s about oil  by Ted Rall, SF Chronicle  11/2/01

Prior Knowledge  A behind-the-scenes look at politics and money  10/18/01

Timeline  This Michael Ruppert article clarifies the timeline of events in the previous article.  11/02/01